Indonesia is a country full super. Why exactly is that? Yes, because Indonesia, a tropical country and is right on the equator, is the major fauna habitats in the world. All sorts of fauna population found in Indonesia, of which the most typical is the kind of one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus). One-horned rhinoceros, or often referred to as the Javan rhino is one of the rarest species in the world with an estimated population of no more than 60 individuals. In Indonesia, one-horned rhino, was placed in the Garden Park is home protection (TNUK), and about eight people in the Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam (2000). Javan rhino is also in the category of critically endangered or critically endangered of the IUCN world conservation body.
Currently only five remaining rhino species, two species of which are in Indonesia. These types of rhino species that still survive to this day;
- Badak Sumatera (Sumatran rhino) bercula dua atau Dicerorhinus sumatrensis. Terdapat di Pulau Sumatera (Indonesia) dan Kalimantan (Indonesia dan Malaysia).
- Badak Jawa (Javan rhino) bercula satu atau Rhinocerus sondaicus. Terdapat di Pulau Jawa (Indonesia) dan Vietnam
- Badak India (Indian rhino) bercula satu atau Rhinocerus unicornis. Tedapat di India dan Nepal.
- Badak Hitam Afrika bercula cula (Black Rhino) atau Diceros bicormis. Terdapat di Kenya, Tanzania, Kamerun, Afrika Selatan, Namibia dan Zimbabwe.
- Badak Putih Afrika bercula dua (White Rhino) atau Cerathoterium simum. Terdapat di Kongo.
- Gray body color black.
- Having a horn, with a length of ± 25 cm (in females is likely not grow / measly)
- Weight loss reached 900 - 2300 kg, body length ± 2-4 m high and can reach almost 1.7 m.
- Her skin has a sort of folds that look like using a shield of steel.
- A manner similar to the Indian rhinoceros, but the body and head smaller with fewer number of folds.
- More prominent upper lip serves to grab food and put it into his mouth.
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